Cauda Equina Syndrome Misdiagnosis

Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) can become a life-changing medical condition if it’s left untreated. Often, this is a result of misdiagnosis by a physician and other medical staff. Cauda Equina Syndrome happens when the cauda equine — a group of nerves located in the lower part of the spinal cord — are damaged or compressed. This can lead to:

  • Lower back pain.
  • Weakness in one or both legs.
  • The loss of bladder and bowel function.

Disk herniation and improper steroidal injections for pain management are a common cause of this syndrome, although various factors can also contribute to CES, such as a spinal birth defect and spinal infection. When Cauda Equina Syndrome misdiagnoses or delay of treatment occurs, the patient could experience severe medical conditions:

  • Long-term severe pain and discomfort.
  • Permanent paralysis.
  • Permanent loss of sensation in the lower extremities.
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Permanent bladder and or bowel control.
  • The need for self-catheterization and/or the use of enemas.

How Cauda Equina Syndrome Misdiagnosis Occur

While it is understandable for physicians and other medical professionals to be extraordinarily busy in the hospital setting, there is simply no excuse for providing poor medical care. When compression or damage of the cauda equine is evident through MRI and other tests, healthcare professional should always consider the possibility of CES.

An example of how a misdiagnosis can occur is when a radiologist misinterprets a radiographic report. If the radiologist or other medical professional assigned to the case fails to correct their errors, which leads to a misdiagnosis, there may be grounds for negligence or medical malpractice claim. A physician failing to provide urgent care in addressing CES when it is discovered or missing the symptoms and failing to order the appropriate tests are other ways in which a Cauda Equina Syndrome misdiagnosis can occur.

A medical mistake in the treatment of CES, or lack thereof, will not only cause physical suffering but financial problems as well. The medical issues caused by undiagnosed and/or misdiagnosed Cauda Equina Syndrome can be costly to treat for the victim and require lifelong care. All it takes is a short span of time of neglecting the symptoms of CES to create a long-term burden for the patients and those around them.

Legal Consultation for Cauda Equine Syndrome Misdiagnosis

Lisa S. Levine, P.A. has the expertise and experience to consult you on whether there are grounds for a medical malpractice or negligence claim after a Cauda Equina Syndrome misdiagnosis as this is one of her specialties, having handled and consulted on more than 60 such cases throughout the U.S., including New Jersey, Utah, California, Wisconsin, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, New York and Texas. In Florida, she has helped CES patients throughout the state, including in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Miami, Tampa, Orlando and Ocala.

Although these types of cases are complicated, Lisa Levine has 35 years of experience in personal injury and medical malpractice claims and continues to fight for justice on behalf of her clients. She has successfully obtained compensation for numerous clients.

However, it’s not just the credentials that matter — the methods are just as important. Lisa Levine conducts a thorough analysis of the patient’s medical records, along with additional details regarding the case. At Lisa S. Levine, P.C., the well-being of the victim is always at the forefront of our minds, and our experienced legal team works hard to secure maximum compensation for our clients and treat them with the care and compassion they deserve. Contact Lisa Levine today at 954-256-1820 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.