In Florida, nursing home negligence towards residents can take many forms, from psychological abuse to medical malpractice. Under the law, nursing homes owe their residents a certain level of care. When a nursing home fails to provide an adequate level of medical care and attention, injuries such as bedsores can result.

Poor Wound Care Can Be a Sign of Fort Lauderdale Nursing Home Negligence

Bed Sores: A Red Flag for Florida Nursing Home Neglect

Skin wounds and lesions are a common injury among senior care facility residents. While most wounds at nursing homes are caused due to illness or accidents, some wounds, such as bedsores, may indicate nursing home abuse.

Persons of limited mobility are most at risk of developing bedsores. Bedsores are lesions that occur when pressure against the skin limits the blood flow delivering oxygen and other nutrients to the skin and underlying tissues. Bedsores can develop quickly and pose serious health risks to the patient if left untreated.

There is no reason for any nursing home resident to suffer from bedsores. Bedsores can easily be prevented by regularly changing the position of a resident every 15 minutes if they’re confined to a wheelchair and every 2 hours if they’re bedridden to relieve the skin pressure that causes bedsores. Nursing home staff should also be alert to the warning signs of bedsores.

Wound Prevention and Care at Nursing Homes

Wound prevention and care is an essential part of the medical services provided by nursing home facilities. As a person ages, their skin becomes thinner, less sensitive and more prone to damage, making skin wounds a common injury among older people, especially those with limited mobility. The fact that aging skin heals itself at a much slower rate than younger skin means that a nursing home resident’s wounds require close attention and special treatment to prevent infection, minimize scarring and ensure the wound heals properly.

Preventing pressure ulcers such as bedsores is just one part of the medical care a nursing home facility owes its residents when it comes to treating and preventing wounds. Post-operative wounds, surgical entry sites and tube entry sites should receive particular attention so they do not become infected. Common wounds such as scrapes, cuts and tears can bleed, swell, cause pain and become infected if not properly treated. Burns require special attention to prevent necrosis, infection, pain and fever.

Be Proactive If You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse in Florida

Relatives of nursing home residents should be proactive when it comes to ensuring their loved ones get the proper care they deserve. This includes carefully researching facilities and staff to find the right care environment for their elderly family member and often visiting to ensure they are receiving the right level of care.

If they see signs of bedsores, wounds that aren’t healing or infections, it’s critical to demand an explanation from management and call for an immediate investigation. When nursing home negligence or abuse is suspected it is important to contact an experienced nursing home negligence attorney without delay.

Speak With a Fort Lauderdale Nursing Home Negligence Attorney

Nursing home negligence attorney Lisa Levine has successfully represented victims of nursing home abuse in Fort Lauderdale and other Broward County and Dade County communities for more than 35 years. Lisa possesses the skills and expertise to expose elderly abuse taking place in a nursing home, take the necessary steps to protect a nursing home resident’s rights and ensure they receive proper compensation for any damages resulting from the nursing home’s negligence.

Call South Florida nursing home abuse lawyer Lisa Levine today at (954) 256-1820 or contact her online to schedule a free consultation. We want to listen to your story and provide helpful feedback on the best way to proceed with your claim.