Do I Need a Police Report After an Auto Accident in Fort Lauderdale?

The first thing to do immediately following a Fort Lauderdale auto accident is to check on the condition of everyone involved, including yourself. Next, contact the police and request medical assistance if needed. While you wait for the police to arrive, exchange information with the other driver, gather evidence about the accident, and get the names and contact information of any witnesses.

Under Florida State Statue 316.065: “The driver of a vehicle involved in a crash resulting in injury to or death of any persons or damage to any vehicle or other property in an apparent amount of at least $500 shall immediately by the quickest means of communication give notice of the crash to the local police department, if such crash occurs within a municipality; otherwise, to the office of the county sheriff or the nearest office or station of the Florida Highway Patrol. A violation of this subsection is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as provided in chapter 318.”

What Will Police Do at the Scene of an Accident?

When law enforcement arrives, they will investigate the accident and fill out a police report. The police report is the investigating officer’s official account of the accident — not just who was involved, but also what they believe to be the contributing causes of the accident. The police report will be critical when it comes time to seek compensation for the injuries you sustained in the accident.

How Do I Get a Copy of the Police Report after a Fort Lauderdale Car Accident?

It isn’t very difficult to obtain a copy of the police report for your auto accident. In Fort Lauderdale, you can request a copy of your police report by contacting the Records Division of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department.

You can visit the Records Division in person at 1300 West Broward Blvd. You can also call the Records Division at 954-828-5465, or contact them by email at

Why Do I Need a Police Report for a Fort Lauderdale Auto Accident Claim

When you are injured in a car accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, Florida state law gives you the right to seek compensation for the damages caused by your injuries. These damages can include medical bills, lost wages and pain, and suffering. In order to obtain this compensation, you’ll have to file a personal injury claim with the other driver’s insurance company.

The insurance company isn’t going to give you this compensation just because you ask. Before you get a dime, you’ll have to be able to show that:

  • You and the other driver (the policyholder) were involved in an accident.
  • The other driver was at least partially at fault for the accident.
  • You were injured as a result of the accident.
  • You suffered damages because of these injuries.

The best tool you have to establish your claim is the police report of your accident. That’s because it provides an objective account of the accident by a trained investigator. It is difficult for an insurance company to dispute the information it contains pertaining to the accident.

Lisa Levine is Here to Protect Your Rights After a Fort Lauderdale Auto Accident

It’s important to protect your rights after being injured in a Fort Lauderdale car accident. One of the best ways to protect your rights is to hire an experienced personal injury attorney to represent your claim. A personal injury attorney can help you in many ways. They will be able to many aspects of your case, including:

  • Handle all the administrative duties
  • Gather evidence important to your case (including the police report)
  • Negotiate on your behalf with the insurance company
  • Represent you in court

Lisa Levine is a nationally recognized Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorney.  She’s represented clients injured in car accidents in Fort Lauderdale and surrounding Broward and Dade County communities, obtaining millions of dollars in settlements.

If you’ve been injured in a Fort Lauderdale car accident that was caused by the negligence of another driver, contact the law offices of Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney Lisa Levine without delay.